HC Deb 04 March 1912 vol 35 cc160-3W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland what further steps, if any, have been taken by the Congested Districts Board to complete the purchase negotiations on the Fuller estate, near Caher-civeen, in view of the amended offer made by the tenants already furnished to the Board?


The Congested Districts Board are willing to give their consent to a direct sale if they are satisfied that the prices agreed to between the landlord and tenant are reasonable as regards security for the advance to be made for the purchase. The Board have not been informed that the amended offer of the tenants referred to in the question has been accepted on behalf of the vendor, or that any arrangement as to terms of purchase has been arrived at.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that a number of tenants on the O'Donoghue estate, Glenbeigh, have been paying the old rents for the past three years; and whether steps will now be taken to have this estate inspected with a view to the purchase of the part not yet sold?


This estate is being sold direct by the owner to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1903. The agreements signed by the tenants for the purchase of the holdings were lodged in December, 1908, and the tenants are paying interest in lieu of rent at the rate of 3½ per cent, on the advances applied for in said agreements pending the making of the advances and the vesting of the holdings in them. When the estate is being inspected in order of priority inquiry will be made into the cases of any tenants who have not signed agreements for the purchase of their holdings.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the Hunt estate, situated in Callan Rural District Council, county Kilkenny, has been sold to the tenants; whether James Carroll purports to be the judicial tenant of the Maxtown farm on the estate but, as the rates and taxes are paid by the representatives of T. A. Hunt, will he state who is the legal tenant; whether, in the rate books of the Callan Rural District Council, the names of the owner and occupier are stated to be the representatives of T. A. Hunt; whether, under the arbitrator's awards in the sale of labourers' plots on the Maxtown farm, the representatives of T. A. Hunt received the full amount awarded, whereas the amount of the award was divided between the landlord and tenant on other parts of the estate; and whether, in view of these facts, he will make inquiries to ascertain whether James Carroll is a bonâ fide tenant or not?


The Estates Commissioners inform me that this estate was sold direct by the owners to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1909, and the advances have been made and the holdings yested in the purchasing tenants, including James Carroll, who held under lease, and was in occupation of the holding when the estate was vested by the Commissioners' inspector. The solicitors for the vendors state that the rates and taxes in respect of Carroll's holding were paid by him as tenant in occupation, and that the compensation awarded for the labourers' plots was paid to the owners and adjusted by them with Carroll.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that negotiations for the purchase of the Rodney estate, Athenry, commenced in the year 1903; does he know that terms of agreement were arrived at some short time afterwards; and, in view of the feeling of dissatisfaction which pervades the locality in connection with the dilatoriness of the Commissioners in not dealing with this estate, will he bring the matter to the notice of the Estates Commissioners so that the sale may be carried through?


Formal proceedings for the sale of the estate of Mrs. Rodney and others, county Galway, to the Estates Commissioners were instituted by the owners in 1908. The Congested Districts Board have consented to the purchase of this estate by the Commissioners under Section 58 of the Irish Land Act, 1909. A formal proposal to purchase the estate has been issued, and the estate will be dealt with in order of priority.


asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the fact that Mr. H. V. MacNamara, of Ennistymon, county Clare, informed a deputation of tenants that he would not sell his estate until the compulsory Clause of the Land Act of 1909 was put into operation; and whether the Congested Districts Board will avail itself of the powers indicated so as to effect the sale of the estate as soon as possible?


The Congested Districts Board have received a communication to the effect mentioned in the question. The Board do not propose to apply their compulsory powers in this case pending the result of proceedings which are being taken for the compulsory acquisition of other estates.


asked whether the estate of Miss E. Stokes (R. U. 4112, E. C), which was sold to the tenants on the 1st June, 1906, has yet been vested in the purchasing tenants; and, if not, what is the cause of the delay, especially as the landlord elected to take half stock and half cash?


This estate is being sold direct by the owner to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1903, and the Estates Commissioners anticipate that it will be dealt with during the coming financial year?


asked why is the Joseph Johnston estate, situate near Killygordon, county Donegal, which has been in the Court of the Land Judge, Chancery Division, Ireland, for upwards of a generation, still unsold, although before the Land Act, 1903, came into operation, the Right Hon. Mr. Justice Ross, the land judge, promised that the property would be sold to the tenants as soon as the Act had been put in force; and whether, having regard to the fact that the tenants on 2nd September last were served with notice to purchase their holdings, and they have now been served with notice to have their rents fixed, what steps will be taken to expedite the sale of this estate to the tenants and place them in the ownership of their holding?


The Registrar of the Land Judge's Court informs me that the delay in this case was due to the difficulties of completing the title to a considerable portion of the estate. These difficulties having now been overcome, the solicitors having carriage are taking steps to bring about a sale as soon as possible. The notice of the 2nd September, 1911, referred to in the question, was not a notice to the tenants to purchase their holdings, but a notice served pursuant to Rules of Court preliminary to the settlement of the Schedule of Tenancies. The solicitors have no knowledge of the notice to fix rents.


asked when the inspection is likely to be made on the holdings on the Boyd estate, Ec. 3863, which is situate at Rosslare, and the agreements of which were lodged with the Estates Commissioners as far back as six years ago?


The estate is being sold by the owner to the tenants under the Irish Land Act, 1903. The agreements signed by the tenants for the purchase of their holdings were lodged with the Estates Commissioners in 1906, and the estate will be inspected and dealt with when reached in order of priority.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the tenants on the estate of Parker Hutchinson have signed agreements for the purchase of their holdings situated at Timoney, Knock, Roscrea, county Tipperary; whether the landlord has purchased the untenanted lands on the estate; whether portion of this estate is a congested area within the terms of the Land Act, 1909; and whether he can state what steps the Estates Commissioners propose to take in order to relieve the congestion?


The reply to the first paragraph is in the affirmative. The owner, who farms his own land, and gives a good deal of employment, repurchased part of his demesne under Section 3 of the Irish Land Act, 1903. The estate, which was sold by the owner direct to the tenants, would not appear to be a congested one. The holdings have been vested in the purchasing tenants, and the Estates Commissioners do not intend to take any further action in the matter.