HC Deb 01 March 1912 vol 34 cc1775-7W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he will give the number of counties, with their names, in which the strength of the Territorial Force was up to 95 per cent. of the establishment on 1st February, 1912?

Colonel SEELY

The Territorial Force County Associations who on 1st January, 1912, had obtained 95 per cent. or over of their establishment of non-commissioned officers and men (percentage being calculated to the nearest whole number) were as follow:—

Caithness Lanark
Radnor Stirling
Wilts Worcester
Linlithgow Rutland
Leicester Nottingham
Derby Stafford
Montgomery Berks
Merioneth Gloucester
Huntingdon Oxford
Pembroke Warwick


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War, with reference to the promise to extend the separation allowance, hitherto restricted to the non-commissioned officers of the Territorial Force, to all married privates who attend camp for the full period of fifteen days, if he will consider the desirability of giving commanding officers discretionary powers to make the allowance to married men who have attended eight days, provided proof was forthcoming that their failure to attend the full time was due to their employer with-holding his consent to their doing so?

Colonel SEELY

I do not consider it desirable to extend the concession in the manner suggested.


asked whether any steps are being taken in mining districts to call in, or dismantle and render harmless, the rifles in the possession of the Territorial Force, and to protect the stores of ammunition in those districts?

Colonel SEELY

The Regulations provide for the calling in of arms in the custody of men of the Territorial Force during times of riot or of anticipated disturbances, and also for taking special precaution for the security of armouries, gun parks, magazines, and ammunition in such cases.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War what is the number of officers deficient in the Cavalry, Infantry, and Artillery of the Territorial Force, giving their respective ranks?

Colonel SEELY

The figures are as follows:—

Lieut.-Cols. Majors. Captains. Lieutenants Quarter-masters and Orderly Officers.
Yeom'nry 32 25 113 3
Artillery. 2 25 51 186 25
Infantry. 38 163 698 9


asked what is the scale of tent accommodation provided for officers of the Special Reserve and Territorial Force, respectively, during their annual trainings; and what is the reason for the difference?

Colonel SEELY

Officers in the Territorial Force have the same scale of tent accommodation as officers in the Regular Army; the Militia enjoyed special privileges in this respect which are retained by the Special Reserve.


asked the Postmaster-General if postmen and others in the employment of the Post Office who are granted leave of absence to go into camp for fourteen days as members of the Territorial Force receive pay for the second week in camp?


Civil pay is given only for half of the fourteen days.


asked the Postmaster-General if the arrangement whereby postmen and others in the employment of the Post Office are granted leave of absence to attend drills as members of the Territorial Force on arranging for exchange of duties is of general application throughput the country; or if he can say what other arrangements are in force?


The arrangement is of general application.