HC Deb 31 July 1912 vol 41 c2084W

asked the hon. Member for St. George's-in-the-East, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether he is aware that the then First Commissioner stated, on 19th July, 1883, that a new entrance would be made to Regent's Park at Clarence Gate, and that a broad strip of ornamental garden on the side of the latter would be thrown open to the public, and, on the other hand, that two separate parts of the same ornamental ground would be reserved to the lessees of the Crown property in the vicinity and will be secured to them for the remainder of their leases; whether His Majesty's Government, having regard to the value of such addition to the park, will cause these two separate reserved parts of the ornamental gardens to be added to that already open to the public as soon as the leases subsisting before 1883 have expired; and on what date or dates the aforementioned leases will expire?


The improvements promised by the Board in 1883 have been carried out. The First Commissioner is unable to give any undertaking in regard to the reserved ornamental gardens, as he is legally bound to preserve them for the use of the leaseholders until 1932, the date when the last of the leases expires.