HC Deb 31 July 1912 vol 41 cc2076-7W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) whether in British North Borneo registers will be kept to show what persons have been successfully vaccinated; whether registers will be kept to show the vaccinal condition of any persons who contract small-pox; whether such records will be accessible to the public for inspection, and (2) whether conscientious objection to vaccination will be recognised and respected in any law or ordinance that may be introduced into British North Borneo on this subject; whether compensation will be granted to persons who are forced to be vaccinated in the event of them being injured by the operation, or to their relatives in the event of them being killed by it; and whether, in the case of children, such compensation will be paid to their parents or guardians?


I have no information on the points raised in this question and in my hon. Friend's other question (No. 3). His Majesty's Government does not interfere with the internal administration of North Borneo by the company.