HC Deb 23 July 1912 vol 41 cc1002-3W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what are the average wages paid per week to labourers, skilled labourers, and shipwrights in His Majesty's dockyards; what are the deductions per week from each of these three grades of workmen on establishment; and what are the weekly pensions to be obtained by established men in these grades for thirty years' service?


The present rate for labourers is 21s. a week in England and Wales, and 20s. at Haulbowline. This rate will be increased by 1s. from 1st August. As regards skilled labourers, the present rate is from 22s. to 28s. for hired men, the maximum for established men being 26s. 6d. There is also a special rate maximum for skilled labourers of 30s. in the cases of the hired men, and 28s. 6d. in the case of the established men. As from 1st August the minimum for the skilled labourer will be raised to 23s. in England and Wales and 22s. at Haulbowline, and the special rate maximum will be increased by 1s. The rates for shipwrights are 34s. for established men and 35s. 6d. for hired men. As from 1st August these rates will be increased by 6d. a week. The deductions from pay in the case of the established men for purposes of superannuation are 1s. a week for labourers, 1s. or 1s. 6d. a week for skilled labourers, and 1s. 6d. a week for ship- wrights, but labourers are not now being placed on the established list. As regards the amount of pension obtainable after thirty years' pensionable service, the figures would be approximately as follows:

Labourers— £ s. d.
Pension 20 10 7 per annum.
Gratuity 54 15 0 per annum.
Skilled Labourers—
Pension 27 17 3 per annum.
Gratuity 74 6 0 per annum.
Pension 33 4 9 per annum.
Gratuity 88 12 10 per annum.

This is on the assumption that the classes of workmen in question have opted to come under the Superannuation Act of 1909 and not remain under the Superannuation Act of 1859. I should add that these pensions and gratuities would naturally be larger after forty years' pensionable service. I should add also that they will be slightly increased in time as the result of the wages' concessions which come into operation on the 1st August.

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