HC Deb 22 February 1912 vol 34 cc877-8W

asked whether some battalion trainings of Territorial battalions have been fixed by the officers commanding divisions on dates which have been objected to by the officers commanding the battalions and the Territorial associations, on the ground that it is impossible for many of the men to leave their civilian employment on those dates?

Colonel SEELY

There is no official information concerning any such cases, but if my hon. Friend will supply me with detailed information I will make inquiries into them.


asked the total number of all ranks of the Yeomanry, Volunteers, and Militia on 1st January preceding the passing of the Territorial Forces Act, and the total number of all ranks of Territorials and Special Reserve on 1st January, 1910, 1st January, 1911, and 1st January, 1912?

Colonel SEELY

The total numbers of all ranks of Yeomanry, Volunteers, and Militia, on 1st January, 1907, and of the Territorials and Special Reserve on 1st January, 1910, 1911, 1912 were as follows:—

All Ranks.
1st January, 1907 Militia 88,301(a)
Yeomanry 25,382(b)
Volunteers 245,937(b)
Total 359,620
1st January, 1910 Special Reserve. 70,486*
Territorial Force 271,737†
Total 342,223
1st January, 1911 Special Reserve. 63,758*
Territorial Force 266,852†
Total 330,610
1st January, 1912 Special Reserve. 61,951*
Territorial Force 265,911†
Total 327,862
(a) Does not include Supernumerary or Seconded Officers.
(b) Includes Supernumerary and Seconded Officers, but Chaplains are excluded.
* The figures for the Special Reserve include attached officers, also Category (b) officers and men, but exclude Militiamen remaining, the Reserve Division of Militia and the Malta and Bermuda Militia.
† The figures for the Territorial Force do not include the Isle of Man Volunteers, Seconded Officers, Officers of the R.A.M.C, General Hospitals and Sanitary Service only available on Mobilisation, nor Officers of the Officers Training Corps and Unattached List.