HC Deb 22 November 1911 vol 31 cc1333-4W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer out of State funds to the land valuation whether he can give the total amount paid staff in salaries and grants previous to 31st March, 1911, and the total sum incurred up to that date for rent of offices and other incidental expenses connected with the collection of information concerning Increment Value Duty, Reserve Duty, and Undeveloped Land Duty; and whether he can give the same figures, respectively, for the six months ending 30th September, 1911?


The sums expended for the year to 31st March, 1911, and the six months to 30th September, 1911, respectively, are as follows:—

Subhead. Total Expenditure.
Year ended 31st March, 1911. Half-year ended 30th Sept., 1911.
Land Valuation Office— £ £
Salaries, Wages, etc 130,703 137,113
Travelling and Subsistence Allowances 13,707 10,707
Rent, Rates, etc. 8,385 8,140
Miscellaneous Expenses 4,414 2,337
Fees to Referees 21
Fees to Local Assessors of Taxes, etc. 174,359 633
Total 331,508 158,951
Of these the last is the only item that can be described as having been mainly incurred in the collection of information.