HC Deb 03 November 1911 vol 30 c1237W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury if he will state ion what grounds the claim of Mrs. Julia Hartnett, of Moher, Murroe, county Limerick, for a pension was rejected by the Local Government Board; and, having regard to the fact that this woman is eighty-seven years, and that whatever living was marked out for her twenty-five years ago, when her son got over the farm in marriage, was cut away from her when her husband died twelve years ago, and having regard to the fact that she has since been living on the goodness of her son, upon whom she has no legal claim, will the poor woman be allowed the pension?


The Local Government Board disallowed Julia Hartnett's claim in October, 1910, on the ground that the value of the maintenance and other privileges she enjoyed on her son's farm was more than £31 10s. a year. The farm is a large one of 400 acres, carrying seventeen cows.


asked on what grounds an old age pension has been refused to the following claimants in the Waterville district: Patrick Moran, Spunkane; James Clifford and Bridget Clifford, Garryglas; Bridget Kelly, Brahig; Mary Fenton, Farranahoun?


The pension was refused in each of the cases mentioned on the ground that no sufficient proof was forthcoming that the claimant had reached the statutory age.