HC Deb 02 November 1911 vol 30 cc1139-41W

asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) if he is aware that the harbour at Arklow stands in need of the expenditure of a further sum of money to make it secure for the fishing industry of the place; and whether the matter will engage the early attention of his Department?


The Department are not aware that the needs of the fishing industry require at present further expenditure on the harbour at Arklow, but the ordinary trade of the place could no doubt be much benefited by further expenditure; and in this connection it is understood that the Harbour Board contemplate making an application to the Development Commissioners. The Department are prepared to support such an application.

Captain CRAIG

asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) whether he will ensure that in the allocation of the £50,000 granted for the aid of Irish fisheries, representations with regard to the dangerous rock at the entrance to Ardglass Harbour will receive due consideration; and, seeing that this obstruction in the way of fishing boats was on one occasion pointed out to him and that he was so impressed with the necessity of having it blasted away that he promised, when funds were available, to have it done, whether he will now take the required steps?


Ardglass is a Royal harbour in charge of the Commissioners of Public Works and the question of its improvement or maintenance is a matter for that Department.


asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) whether he will give an assurance that in the allocation of the £50,000 granted to the Department for the aid of Irish fisheries, representations made to the Department with reference to the lack of harbour facilities at Portavogie, Donaghadee, and Bangor, will receive equal consideration with that which has been promised to Kilkeel?


The Department's suggestions regarding the allocation of the grant of £50,000 are the subject of correspondence with the Development Commissioners; and, under the circumstances, it is impossible at the present time to make a statement respecting the ports referred to in the question. Everything depends upon the needs of the fishing community and the funds available.


asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland), whether he can state the cause of the delay in the reconstruction of Rathlin Harbour; and what is the present position with regard to it?


The plan of the Department's proposals for the improvement of the landing accommodation at Rathlin was submitted to the Antrim County Council in July last. It is understood that the matter is under the consideration of that body.