HC Deb 18 May 1911 vol 25 c2269W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that Mr. David S. Kelly, clerk of two petty sessions districts, Maghera and Castle-dawson, county Derry, is seventy-five years of age, and that Mr. Kelly has frequently to employ a substitute to do the necessary work of the two districts; whether he is aware that loss and inconvenience is caused to the people, especially those resident in the Maghera district, the largest petty sessions district in the county, by having to travel eight miles to the residence of the clerk at Castledawson whenever they require a summons or to enter a defence; whether the Civil Service rule of retirement at sixty-five applies in this case, if so, will Mr. Kelly be retired on pension?


Mr. Kelly, Clerk of Petty Sessions of Maghera and Magherafelt, was sixty-three years of age in June last. He attends to his duties regularly at both petty sessions, and has not been absent except when on leave, or when he has to attend elsewhere to take depositions, in which case he employs a substitute. Mr. Kelly resides at Castledawson, which is about two and a-half miles from Magherafelt, and no complaints have been made as to any inconvenience caused to the public by the present arrangements.