HC Deb 08 May 1911 vol 25 c990W

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention had been called to the flooding of the Torren river from Car-land to Newmills, county Tyrone, and to the loss caused annually to the farmers and others in the district thereby; whether he is aware that a sum of £300 is calculated as sufficient to prevent this flooding and consequent loss; and whether he will use his influence to have the necessary improvements effected through the Development Grant or otherwise?


I have not received any complaints as to floods in this river, and I was not aware that an estimate had been made of the cost of improving it. As the river does not form part of any existing district there is no power take action under the Arterial Drainage Acts. The question of an advance from the Development Fund is one for the Development Commissioners, to whom application must be made in the manner prescribed by the statutory regulations.