HC Deb 01 May 1911 vol 25 cc172-3W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if his attention has been drawn to the fact that regimental bands, including the Buffs, the Yorkshire, the Leicester, the Queen's, and the Somerset Light Infantry, have been engaged by the Corporation of Weymouth, through agents, on a speculative contract; whether such a proceeding is in accordance with the instructions issued by the War Office that military bands are in future not to be engaged through agents; and, if not, will he cause inquiries to be made with a view to the Department's instructions being duly carried out?

Colonel SEELY

This matter has already been the subject of inquiry. None of the bands named have been engaged by the Corporation of Weymouth through agents. In one instance a commanding officer, through oversight, accepted an engagement through an agent, but the engagement has subsequently been cancelled.