HC Deb 31 March 1911 vol 23 cc1767-8W

asked whether His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland had received a copy of the Report of the Committee on Elementary Education of the Presbyterian Church of Ireland, which relates to the Roman Catholic emblems in national schools, together with the appended resolutions, adopted by the General Assembly in June 1910, showing that, in regard to the use of denominational emblems in national schools the Commissioners of National Education stated that they have on various occasions during the past thirty years sanctioned the exhibition of pictures of scriptural subjects provided they are not denominational, and that the Chief Secretary for Ireland stated on the 28th April, 1910, when asked if the Sacred Heart was among the pictures sanctioned, repeated the answer of the Commissioners with the omission of the words provided they are not denominational; can he explain why the Commissioners, in sending their answer, made a statement in direct conflict with the facts; why, in sanctioning such a picture as the Sacred Heart, they have violated their own rule that no emblems of a denominational character can be exhibited in the school room during the hours of united instruction; whether, as the Commissioners state that they do not change any fundamental rule without the express permission of the Lord Lieutenant, he will say if any communications have been made to them by His Excellency in regard to their conduct; and what steps have been taken for the removal of the Roman Catholic emblems which were sanctioned by the Commissioners in contravention of their own rules, and for preventing them from violating their rules in the future?


His Excellency has received a copy of the Report of the Committee. I have already explained the action of the Commissioners of National Education in the matter in my replies to the questions asked by the hon. Member for North Derry on 28th April, 1910. The Commissioners deny that they have made any statement on the subject which is in conflict with the facts, or that they have violated any of their fundamental rules.