HC Deb 16 March 1911 vol 22 cc2588-9W

asked the President of the Local Government Board what was the number and nationality of aliens who received Poor Law relief in England and Wales in 1900 and 1910, respectively; and how many of these received relief, for which disfranchisement is imposed, in each year?


The only figures available on this subject relate to London, and certain large boroughs and urban districts. In 1900, the number of aliens who received Poor Law Relief in London and six large towns was stated to be 2,744. Of those relieved in London, 1,100, or rather more than half, were stated to be Russians or Poles. In 1910, 5,732 adult aliens received poor relief in London and fourteen other districts. Of these, 2,599 are described as Russians, and 1,029 as Germans. No information is available as to the number in 1900 who received medical relief; but, of those relieved in 1910, 1,781 are stated to have received medical relief, and 376 to have been persons of unsound mind.

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