HC Deb 13 March 1911 vol 22 cc2019-20W

asked the Secretary for War whether it is proposed to make a reduction to the extent of about 25 per cent. in the price paid for stitching service dress trousers in the Pimlico clothing factory; whether the original price for this work of 2½d. per pair was increased some time ago to 3d. per pair, on the recommendation of competent tailors, the women having protested at the amount of work to be done for the price; and, if the alleged reduction is to be made, whether he will state the grounds for such reduction, and whether competent tailors have recommended it?


It is proposed from the 13th inst. to reduce the price paid to the machinists employed on Service dress trousers from 3d. per pair to 2¼d. per pair. The original price paid for the work was 2¼d. per pair. The rate was increased to 3d. per pair in January, 1910, on the readjustment of machine and hand work to be employed in the process. The reduction is to be made on the grounds that the character of the work does not warrant the payment of the wages produced by the piece-work rate of 3d. per garment. The reduction is based upon competent expert advice.