HC Deb 13 March 1911 vol 22 c2002W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that Dr. James D. Condon, J. P., of Ballyshannon, who has been receiving an Income Tax refund for several years, although he supplied vouchers exactly corresponding with those on which he received the refund of Income Tax in former years for the financial year 1909–10 has, after a correspondence extending over five months with the Controller of Income Tax, been informed that his claim for a refund of Income Tax cannot be allowed on the ground that Income Tax vouchers for Income Tax paid in respect of a property in Rathkeale, county Limerick, was a year in arrear when the other vouchers for Income Tax on this property, in respect of which Dr. Condon's claim for a refund was claimed were also a year in arrear since there is a hanging year's rent on the property ever since he came into possession of it; and whether, having regard to the effect of enforcing the payment of Income Tax in respect of income which has not in reality accrued, steps will be taken to secure an allowance to Dr. Condon in accordance with the practice of many years of the refund of Income Tax to which he is entitled?


I am causing inquiry to be made into the case referred to by the hon. Member.