HC Deb 13 March 1911 vol 22 cc2034-6W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will state the value of the imports for Home consumption and the exports (domestic produce) of ships, all machinery, electrical machinery, and agricultural implements and machinery, respectively?

Articles. Imports for Home Consumption (Net Import retained in the United Kingdom). Exports of United Kingdom Produce.
1903. 1910. 1903. 1910.
£ £ £ £
Ships and boats (new) and their machinery 52,000 25,000 4,284,000 8,769,000
Electrical machinery 519,000 532,000 437,000 1,607,000
Agricultural machinery 60,000 298,000 1,855,000 2,687,000
Other machinery 2,937,000 2,697,000 17,766,000 25,003,000
Total machinery (other than machinery of new ships exported). 13,516,000 3,527,000 20,058,000 29,297,000
Agricultural implements Not separately distinguished. 466,000 577,000


The following Statement gives, for the years 1903 and 1910, the information required by my hon. Friend:—