HC Deb 20 July 1911 vol 28 c1399W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland how many students finished their courses of training in each of the Irish training colleges in the year ended June, 1910; how many of those in each college obtained certificates qualifying them to teach Irish; how many students attended each college in the year ended June, 1911; how many of those in each college sat for examination in Irish; and how many hours per week does each student taking up Irish get from the professor of Irish in each college?


Training College. 1910. 1911.
Number of students who finished their course of training. Number of those who obtained certificates in Irish. Number of students in attendance. Number who sat for examinations in Irish.
Marlboro' Street, Dublin 198 4 311 13
St. Patrick's, Drumcondra 87 12 165 41
Our Lady of Mercy, Blackrock 86 3 200 39
Church of Ireland. Dublin 75 137
De La Salle, Waterford 97 3 200 39
St. Mary's, Belfast 48 8 100 23
Mary Immaculate, Limerick 51 2 100 28

The Commissioners of National Education have no information at their disposal with regard to the last paragraph of the question.