§ Mr. JOHN PHILLIPSasked the Chief Secretary for Ireland is he aware that the population of the county Longford, Ireland, has been reduced from 141,000 in 1841 to 43,000 in the present year; and will he, under these circumstances, have the promise made two years ago to divide 395 acres of the lands called the Scotch quarter, in the parish of Clonguish, county Longford, and off which lands 1,200 people were evicted in the fifties, now restored to the young men of this parish and put a stay, if possible, to the emigration of the youths of this district?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe population of county Longford in 1841 was 115,000, and in 1911 was 43,000. The hon. Member presumably refers to the Douglas estate, and I would refer him to my reply to a question on this1004W subject asked by the hon. Member for North Langford on 10th April last, and to which I have nothing to add.