HC Deb 11 July 1911 vol 28 cc347-8W

asked what decision the Local Government Board have come to in the case of Maurice Tobin, Ballinanima, Kilfinane, county Limerick, whose claim for a pension was passed by the local committee three times, but whose decision was appealed against on each occasion by the pension officer?


The Local Government Board do not appear to have received up to the present any appeal in respect of the case of Maurice Tobin, of Ballinanima, Kilfinane, county Limerick, subsequent to their decision of 4th August, 1910. Claimant's family was not traced in the Census Returns of 1841, and he was unable to furnish satisfactory evidence showing that he had attained the statutory age. The Board therefore decided, on the 4th August, 1910, in respect of his second claim, that he was not entitled to any pension. His previous claim was disallowed by the Board on the 9th July, 1909, for the same reasons.


asked whether the Local Government Board has come to any decision in the case of Mary Kennedy, of Knocklong, county Limerick, whose case was pased by the local pension committee at Killmanoch; and on what grounds has the appeal been lodged?


The case of Mary Kennedy, of Knocklong Hill, is at present under the consideration of the Local Government Board. The pension officer ap- pealed against the sub-committee's decision awarding a pension of 5s. a week, on the ground that there is no evidence to show that claimant is seventy years of age. No evidence of age has been produced by the claimant, and the pension officer reports that no record of her age can be traced in the Census Returns. The Board have addressed a communication to the claimant giving her an opportunity of furnishing evidence of her age, but up to the present no reply has been received.


asked on what grounds was Mary Kirwan, of Castlerea, deprived of her pension, in view of the fact that her sister, who is younger, is in receipt of a pension?


The only evidence Mary Kirwan forwarded was a declaration that she is older than her sister, Catherine Griffin, who is apparently in receipt of a pension; but she furnished no corroborative evidence. She could not be traced in either of the Census Returns. The Local Government Board therefore considered they had no option but to disallow the claim, on the ground that she had failed to show that she had attained the statutory age.