§ Colonel RAWSONasked the President of the Local Government Board if he will state the number of births registered for the years 1903 to 1906, the number recorded as successfully vaccinated, and the number of certificates of exemption received in respect of such births; also the number of births registered for the years 1907 to 1910, the number recorded as successfully vaccinated, and the number of certificates of exemption received in respect of such births?
§ Mr. BURNSThe information which the hon. Member desires has not yet been received in respect of the year 1910, but the following statement gives the figures in respect of each of the years from 1903 to 1909 inclusive:—
Year, Births. Vaccinations. Exemptions. 1903 948,271 714,637 37,675 1904 945,389 711,504 40,461 1905 929,293 705,040 44,369 1906 935,081 686,992 53,828 1907 918,042 651,050 76,709 1908 940,383 594,792 160,350 1909 914,472 *547,251 *197,326 *These figures are approximate and liable to correction.
Captain FABERasked the President of the Local Government Board if he will state whether vaccination officers have to send to parents a notice, Form 2, which puts these parents in the way of obtaining exemptions from vaccination; whether exemptions are rapidly on the increase, seriously affecting the position of vaccination officers in a pecuniary sense; and whether he will consider the advisability of rewarding vaccination officers whether exemptions are granted or not?
§ Mr. BURNSVaccination officers are required, in the case of each child who has attained the age of three months and. seven days without their having received a certificate of some kind with respect to its vaccinal condition, to send a notice known as Form Q, to the parent, the object of which is to ascertain what the parent intends to do as to the vaccination of the child, and so to save the vaccination officer the trouble of visiting the home for this purpose. Exemptions have increased; and in such cases the vaccination officer does not, of course, receive payment in respect of the registration by him in his register of the successful vaccination of the child. Where a vaccination officer has suffered loss of income in consequence of the increase of exemptions I have approved proposals of boards of guardians to award him compensation.