HC Deb 20 February 1911 vol 21 cc1682-3W

asked the Chief Secretary whether an inquiry was recently held by an inspector of the Local Government Board into an improvement scheme under the Labourers Acts promoted by the Newcastle West Rural District Council; has the inspector yet furnished his report on this scheme, or when may it be expected; and, seeing that many of the applicants under the scheme are urgently in need of better houses, will the matter be pressed forward as speedily as possible?


An inquiry has been held as stated. Inspectors do not now furnish reports to the Local Government Board before making their orders, the responsibility in such matters devolving entirely upon themselves under Section 6 of the Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1906. The Board understand, however, that the order confirming the scheme in this case has been prepared, so that the inspector will no doubt be shortly in a position to issue his order. The scheme as authorised cannot, however, be carried into execution until more money is made available by legislation.


asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the fact that tenants of labourers' cottages are obliged, under the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1898, to pay the local rates; and whether, seeing that these rates average 9s. or 10s. a year, and represent an addition to this extent in the annual charges imposed on labourers for their cottages and plots, he will give any opportunity in the discussion on his Bill for the Amendment of the Labourers Acts for the consideration of a clause embodying reform on this point?


It is the fact that tenants of labourers' cottages are now required to pay rates, but an adjustment was made in the case of existing tenancies after the passing of the Local Government (Ireland) Act of 1898, and in the case of subsequent tenancies rural district councils have, no doubt, made allowance when fixing rents for the fact that rates must also be paid. The Local Government Board, moreover, before confirming regulations made by rural district councils, under Section 29 of the Labourers Act of 1906, satisfy themselves that the rents proposed to be charged are not unreasonable, after making due allowance for the fact that the tenants will also be liable for rates.