§ Mr. JAMES O'KELLYasked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if the Congested Districts Board have taken any action with reference to the sale of the Popham estate, in the townlands of Ballymore, Lisserdrea, and Ballylugnagun, in Boyle parish, county Roscommon; if the landlord offered to sell directly to the tenants three, years ago; have the Board communicated with him; is he still willing to sell; and, if so, when will the initial steps be taken?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe Congested Districts Board communicated with the owner of the estate referred to, inquiring whether he was willing to negotiate for the sale of his estate through them, but up to the present no reply has been received. The Board have no information as to whether the landlord offered to sell directly to the tenants.
§ Mr. BOLANDasked the Chief Secretary whether the tenants on the townlands, of Cooleanig and Gerah, parish of Tuogh, 1119W county Kerry, have represented to the middle landlord, Mr. Quill, and to the head landlord, Mrs. Drummond, that they are desirous of purchasing their holdings; and whether steps will be taken by the Congested Districts Board to ascertain from the owners on what terms they are willing to sell?
§ Mr. BIRRELLI have no information as to the matters referred to in the question. The Congested Districts Board communicated with the agent inquiring whether it was proposed to negotiate for the sale of the property through them, but so far no reply has been received.
§ Mr. GINNELLasked whether the Estates Commissioners have proceeded so far with the purchase of the Chapman estate, Killua, Westmeath, as to be able to intervene and save for distribution among uneconomic holders and landless people the Kilrush and Cloran farm of 162 acres held by Mr. Skelly on a grazing tenure, and now advertised to be sold by auction at the court house, Athboy, on 12th August, by Mr. William Casey?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThis estate is not in priority to be dealt with this year. The powers of the Estates Commissioners to acquire land are limited to the acquisition of lands in fee simple, and they have no power to acquire a tenant's interest apart from the fee simple. Due inquiries will be made regarding all tenancies on the estate when it is being inspected.