HC Deb 19 April 1911 vol 24 c1004W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty how many messengers under twenty years of age have been discharged from the Admiralty for reasons other than of health or conduct, and how many have been engaged, during each of the last five years; and whether he will make arrangements so that no boy be engaged unless the Admiralty can hold out to him, if he prove satisfactory, a reasonable prospect of permanent employment?


During each of the five years 1906–1910 the number of boy messengers entered and discharged for reasons other than health or misconduct, were as follows:—

Numbers entered. Numbers discharged on attaining age limit.
1906 7 2
1907 14 2
1908 12 1
1909 7 7
1910 16 5
56 17

Boy messengers at the Admiralty, in common with other public Departments, are employed under regulations laid down by the Treasury, and are subject to discharge on attaining the age of eighteen years. The Admiralty are accordingly in no position to offer reasonable prospects of permanent employment, though places are often found for suitable lads when opportunity occurs.