HC Deb 12 April 1911 vol 24 c601W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that trachoma is increasing in this country; whether the introduction and increase of this disease is due largely to the immigration and presence of undesirable aliens; whether he will introduce more drastic legislation to exclude these diseased and undesirable aliens from entering this country; and, whether he will state what measures, if any, will be adopted by the Government in connection with undesirable aliens generally with a view to their expulsion?


I am not aware of any evidence that trachoma is increasing in this country. I know that the disease exists widely among aliens in certain parts of the United Kingdom; and it is the fact that alien immigrants are from time to time found on inspection under the Aliens Act to be suffering from trachoma. In these cases leave to land can be and is refused. As at present advised, I see no reason for further legislation on this point.