HC Deb 07 April 1911 vol 23 cc2666-7W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that Private Patrick Kielty, No. 8785, of the 2nd Battalion Leinster Regiment, was, on 2nd February, 1911, discharged as medically unfit for further service after two years and 308 days, of which two years and fifty-four days were in India; whether this young man had joined for seven years, with five years' reserve, and is now thrown on his parents' hands, a burden, owing to perforation of the ear whilst on duty in India; and will he direct that either a gratuity or a pension be granted to enable these people, who have a large family and are only poor labourers, to support this invalided soldier?

Colonel SEELY

Patrick Kielty's disability is not in any way due to his Army service, and consequently it is not possible to award him any pension from Army funds. He received a gratuity of £3 on discharge.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War, whether his attention has been called to the case of Private Thomas Malone, No. 3544, late of the 2nd Battalion Leinster Regiment, who after eleven years and seven months service was discharged without his deferred pay, which amounts to £26; whether in this man's case a desertion was condoned and he was reinstated in his regiment, and did two years and seven months without any record against him in India; why was he discharged when five months of his time was incomplete, which if it had been given to him would entitle him to full deferred pay; and will he direct an inquiry, on oath, into this man's case with a view to justice being done him?

Colonel SEELY

Inquiries are being made into this ease, and in due course I will inform the hon. Member of the result.