HC Deb 04 April 1911 vol 23 c2178W

asked whether, with regard to the proposed London Museum, the London County Council or any of the governing bodies of London have been asked to co-operate in this scheme; what amount of money is available for the purpose; on what lines has the Musée Carnavalet of Paris, which is to be used as a model, been founded; what department will be responsible for the control of the museum; whether any report of the artistic value of the Hilton-Price Collection of London, antiquities has been obtained; and whether all Papers in connection with this matter can be laid upon the Table of the House and some opportunity found for discussing them before the arrangements are finally settled?


The fund for the London Museum was a personal gift to me by a donor who wishes to remain anonymous, and the sum available is also a secret. I have been, for many months, in close communication with the officials of the London County Council and others interested in the history and antiquities of London on this subject. I should be happy to lend my right hon. Friend a French book describing the foundation and contents of the Musée Camavalet in Paris. The three trustees appointed by the King will be responsible for the control of the museum. The Hilton-Price Collection was purchased by me on my own responsibility at a price which is believed to be considerably below both its cost and value, and I have had throughout the friendly assistance and advice of the officials of the British Museum. There are no papers in connection with the matter, and, therefore, none can be laid; but I shall be glad to give my right hon. Friend any information he wishes for in the matter, and I shall hope to enlist his sympathy and assistance as a distinguished Londoner.