Mr. DUNDAS WHITEasked the First Lord of the Admiralty what is the difference of hour between the winter routine and the summer routine in the Royal Navy; when the alterations from each to the other take place; and what arrangements have been made or are proposed to be made in the hours of the clerical staff of the Admiralty with a view to the better use of daylight?
§ Mr. McKENNAThere is no difference in routine except as regards the hour of hoisting the ensign, which from 25th March to 20th September inclusive is 8 a.m.. and from 21st September to 24th March inclusive is 9 a.m. There is no change proposed. Arrangements have been authorised for a percentage of the clerical staff of the Admiralty Departments to come an hour earlier in the morning and to leave an hour earlier in the afternoon during the summer months, but that only partial advantage has been taken of this concession.