HC Deb 29 July 1910 vol 19 c2646W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that close upon 200 police attended at Fedamont, county Limerick, on Sunday, for the purpose of having a day's recreation; who is responsible for having such an influx of these constables into a peaceful district, or is it because the lands about which the dispute exists in the district belong to County Inspector Chatterton, county Louth; and will the cost of these policemen be borne by the ratepayers of county Limerick, or will Mr. Chatterton and those associated with him in the land jobbing pay for the presence of the police which they alone are responsible for?


The Inspector-General informs me that a force of 150 police was assembled at Fedamore on the 24th instant for duty in connection with an intimidatory demonstration proposed to be held there. The county inspector referred to has no interest in the lands which are the subject of the dispute. No charge for the extra police will fall on the ratepayers.