HC Deb 29 July 1910 vol 19 cc2661-2W

asked what are the arrangements recently made to convey ammunition and high explosives between Woolwich and other depots by rail instead of, as formerly, by water; whether representations have been made that such rail conveyance of dangerously-explosive material is a source of danger to the inhabitants of the districts on the route; and whether, in the interests of public safety, there is any intention to revert to conveyance by water


Arrangements have been made with the South-Eastern and Chatham Railway Company for the conveyance of cordite from Woolwich to various magazines; high explosives could, in emergency, also be sent by rail. With regard to the second part of the question, no such representations have been received, and it is considered there is no danger to the inhabitants of the districts on the route. As to the last part of the question, there is at present no intention of reverting to the former system of conveying the cordite, etc., by barge.