HC Deb 20 July 1910 vol 19 cc1405-6W
Colonel RAWSON

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will publish the Reports from the Consular staff on the Congo as to the most suitable localities for British traders, the local openings and prospects, the class of goods in native demand, and the faciltiies for transport; and how soon he will be able to publish such Reports?


The Reports shall be examined with a view to considering how much can be published at the present time with advantage to traders, but it is undesirable that firms should undertake any enterprise in the regions opened to trade without first employing local agents to report on openings for their special business. His Majesty's Consular Officers shall, if necessary, be called upon for further Reports as to any special points of general interest, such as the class of goods in native demand, and facilities for transport.