HC Deb 14 July 1910 vol 19 cc748-9W

asked the Attorney General in what order or rotation jurors are supposed to be summoned to serve at assizes; whether there is any provision for having the regular order observed in practice, and preventing the arbitrary summoning of jurors of a particular com- plexion to try a particular class of cases; and whether, as distinguished from the right of challenge, the present practice enables a party against whom a jury has been packed in that way to compel a disclosure of the order in which the jurors were summoned.


The order or rotation in which jurors are selected from the names in the jurors' book is left to the discretion of the Sheriff, and the manner of selection varies in different localities, but it usually involves some element of chance. Jurors are not summoned to try particular cases, the selection from the panel of the jury in each particular case being decided by ballot. I am not aware of any case in which the jury has been packed against any party, and there is no such practice as is suggested in the question.