HC Deb 12 July 1910 vol 19 c338W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether, having regard to the fact that no legislation to secure purity of milk is contemplated this Session, he proposes to adopt any further administrative steps this year for that object?


I regret that it was not possible to reintroduce the Milk and Dairies Bill this Session, and I am afraid that, pending the reintroduction of the Bill, administrative action in the direction of preventing the introduction of impurities into milk must necessarily be of limited scope. Certain inquiries have been and are being made by my inspectors into other aspects of the matter, such as the addition of preservatives to milk, and when these inquiries are complete I will carefully consider what administrative action can be taken. Pending legislation, it is to be hoped that the local authorities will exercise to the full such powers as they at present possess.