HC Deb 11 July 1910 vol 19 cc162-4W

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he will state when the Towyn Church School first became a public elementary school; whether that school is governed by any trust deeds, and, if so, what provisions do they contain with regard to denominational religious instruction, and ascertaining the wishes of the parents in that respect; whether any education endowment is connected with this school, and, if so, what is the amount of its annual income; and how has it been dealt with under the Education Act, 1902?


The Towyn Church School appears to have been placed on the list of public elementary schools earning annual Grant in the year 1874. The school appears in part to be governed by a deed of 9th January, 1861, and in part to be affected by the trusts of a free school supposed to have been established in or about the year 1717 by Vincent Corbett. The deed of 1861 declares it to be a fundamental regulation that the Bible be read daily in the school and the Catechism of the Church of England be taught to all children educated free under Lady Moyer's endowment and to any other children whose parents do not object, and that the

Description of Fish. Exports Or Fresh Fish of British taking.
To Germany. To Netherlands. To Belgium. To France. To other Countries. Total.
Herrings cwts. 708,113 19,631 25,844 831 5,101 759,520
Salmon cwts. 662 268 2,014 6,292 140 9,376
Cod cwts. 3,612 5,274 14,895 4 670 24,455
Mackerel cwts. 346 46 2,495 6,515 531 9,933
Haddocks cwts. 7,042 599 15,896 22 72 23,631
Shell Fish (all sorts) cwts. 596 320 8,580 5,960 644 16,100
Other sorts cwts. 30,865 12,570 59,073 15,136 4,470 122,114
Total 751,236 38,708 128,797 34,760 11,628 965,129
£ £ £ £ £ £
Herrings 287,503 10,348 13,069 540 3,096 314,556
Salmon 6,556 2,303 14,559 55,358 1,231 80,007
Cod 4,107 2,740 14,652 10 653 22,162
Mackerel 211 42 3,022 9,487 556 13,318
Haddocks 7,554 569 19,708 33 109 27,973
Shell Fish (all sorts) 1,953 1,262 27,050 12,669 842 43,776
Other sorts 39,969 10,402 79,555 28,672 8,090 166,688
Total 347,853 27,666 171,615 106,769 14,577 668,480

vicar shall be superintendent of the moral and religious instruction of such of the children as shall be educated in the principles of the Church of England. The school appears to be in receipt of £4 per annum from Corbett's Charity, eleven guineas per annum from Lady Moyer's Gift, and £9 4s. 6d. from Lewis Lloyd's Charity. No action has been taken under the Education Act, 1902, with regard to these endowments, which do not appear to be subject to the operation of the proviso to Section 13 of that Act. A scheme has been prepared with regard to the last-mentioned charity under the Welsh Intermediate Education Act, 1889.