HC Deb 08 July 1910 vol 18 c2014W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether persons applying for a refund of Income Tax under Part 4, Section 71 (2) of the Finance Act of 1909, which provides that persons residing abroad may claim a refund of tax on dividends on foreign or Colonial securities if made within six months of the end of the financial year, are debarred from claiming this refund if such securities stand in the name of trustees of a marriage settlement or trust, on the grounds that these securities do not stand in the name of the persons claiming the refund; and, if so, whether he will take measures to have this hardship removed?


A person residing abroad who is entitled to income under the terms of a British Trust has no claim to a repayment of Income Tax under Section 71 (2) of the Finance (1909–10) Act, 1910, on the ground that the Trust income may arise in whole or in part from foreign or Colonial securities. I do not think that a further extension of the exemption conferred by the Sub-section is necessary.