HC Deb 07 July 1910 vol 18 cc1914-5W

asked the Chief Secretary if he will state on what grounds the claims to old age pensions of John Conlon and Patrick Smyth, of Attymass in the Ballina pension sub-district, county Mayo, have been refused by the Local Government Board; if because of means, why the applicants have been afforded no opportunity to place evidence in support of their claims before the Local Government Board prior to the adverse decision of that body being given; and what steps must now be taken by these claimants to have their claims reconsidered?


The claims of the persons mentioned were disallowed because the Local Government Board were satisfied that the means of each claimant exceeded the statutory limit. When estimating the means in each case, the Board had before them a full statement (obtained by the pension officer, presumably from the claimant) as to the acreage and quality of the claimant's holding and the stock and crops thereon. Conlon has lodged a fresh claim which is now before the Board on appeal, and it is open to Smyth to do the same.


asked the Chief Secretary on what grounds an old age pension has been withheld from Julia Blake, of Kilconly, Tuam, whose case was passed by the Dunmore Sub-committee in November, 1909?


Mrs. Blake's claim was disallowed by the Local Government Board on the ground that she was unable to furnish any satisfactory evidence that she had attained the statutory age.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he can state the reason that William Quinn, Lemonagh, Cloonbern, county Galway, has received no old age pension, in view of the fact that in January, 1909, the pension officer recommended that he should receive 4s. a week, which was confirmed by the Local Government Board on appeal from the pension committee which recommended that he should receive 5s. a week?


The Local Government Board on the 8th February, 1909, disallowed Quinn's claim to a pension on the ground that his means were in excess of the statutory limit.