HC Deb 03 August 1910 vol 19 cc2757-8W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs when the Commission to inquire into the alleged ill-treatment of natives, which is being sent out by the Peruvian Amazon Company to the Putumayo district, started on its mission; who are the members of that Commission; whether Mr. Julio Cesar Arana, who is a manager of the company and related by marriage to a servant of the company, against whom allegations have been made, will accompany the Commission; who the Special Commissioner is whom the Foreign Office is sending out; when the Commission is expected to finish its labours; and whether its Report will be presented to the Foreign Office?


The Peruvian Amazon Company are sending out a Commission to the Putumayo district to report on the possibilities of commercial development of their properties, and also to inquire into the present relations between the native employés and the agents of the company. His Majesty's Government also are sending Mr. Casement, His Majesty's Consul-General at Rio de Janeiro, to ascertain whether any British subjects have suffered, or are in distress, and, if so, from what cause, and whether they stand in need of relief. The Commission sailed for Madeira on the 23rd ultimo, on their way to the Putumayo. The members of the Commission are: Colonel the Honourable Reginald H. Bertie, C.B., late Commanding Royal Welsh Fusiliers; Mr. L. H. Barnes, tropical agriculturist; Mr. W. Fox, rubber expert and botanist; Mr. E. S. Bell, merchant; Mr. H. L. Gielgud, secretary and manager of the Peruvian Amazon Company. I have no information as to whether Mr. J. C. Arana will accompany the Commission, or when the Commission is likely to finish its labours. Mr. Casement will forward his Report to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.