HC Deb 26 April 1910 vol 17 c409W

asked the Secretary of State for War if the Committee of the South African Garrison Institute has subscribed to any club outside South Africa the sum of £25,000 out of the profits of the institute, which are derived from private soldiers serving in South Africa; whether it is part of the regulations under which the institute is conducted that all profits should be spent for the good of the soldier in South Africa; and, if such moneys have been spent, will he state by whose authority this payment was made?


This sum has been subscribed for two purposes—one for the completion of the Union Jack Club and the other for the erection of a hostel for the wives and children of married soldiers arriving from South Africa and other foreign stations or when passing through London. Such expenditure is clearly for the benefit of soldiers who have served in South Africa and who have returned or will return from that station. I am not aware of any regulation restricting the expenditure of the fund to the confines of South Africa. The fund is administered by the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, South Africa, and a committee representative of the various units stationed there.