HC Deb 22 April 1910 vol 16 cc2547-8W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Agriculture if he can state approximately the rental payable by the persons who have acquired land under the Small Holdings Act of 1908, and if such rental is in excess of that paid by the previous owners, and, if so, to what extent; and if he will give the number of persons provided with land under the Small Holdings Act of 1892 and the same particulars of each?


The average rent paid by county councils for the land leased by them under the Act of 1908 to 31st December last is approximately 24s. 6d. per acre. The small holders pay somewhat higher rents to the county councils, so as to cover the cost of management, repairs, and insurance, etc. The Board have no information as to the rentals paid by previous tenants. The number of holdings sold or let under the Small Holdings Act of 1892 is 244. The Board have no information as to the rent charged either prior or subsequent to the acquisition of the land by the county councils.