HC Deb 14 April 1910 vol 16 cc1575-6W

asked if attention has been called to the action of the Great Eastern Railway Company towards one of their employés, Councillor J. Banks, signalman at Salmon's Lane box, Stepney, in seeking to compel him to sign a petition asking to contract out of the recent arbitration award given by Lord Gorell, or, as a punishment for not doing so, to remove to another station, to his disadvantage; and whether the Board of Trade will take steps to prevent any variation of Lord Gorell's award, which takes away concessions to the men, being made without the consent of a full meeting of the Central Conciliation Board?


I have communicated with the railway company, and am informed by them that they have not asked Mr. Banks to sign any petition to con- tract out of the recent arbitration award. I understand, however, that as two of the signalmen at his box have asked to be allowed to work under the former arrangements, instead of under the award, it was proposed that Mr. Banks and another man who wished to revert to the old system, should exchange cabins. The question of this exchange is, I understand, at present before the directors of the company, and I cannot believe that they would take any step that would prejudice an employé who desired to work under the award. As regards the general question. I understand that an application for a formal interpretation of certain provisions of the Conciliation Scheme affecting the matter may be made to me, when I will give the matter immediate and careful attention; meanwhile it would not be proper for me to prejudge the question.