HC Deb 12 April 1910 vol 16 c1211W

asked the Home Secretary whether the Home Office has in its possession Papers relating to the dynamite explosions that took place some years ago at the headquarters of the secret police, Exchange Court, Dublin, and at the Four Courts, Dublin; if so, whether he will lay these Papers upon the Table of the House or allow them to be inspected at the Home Office; whether Sir Robert Anderson was at the time of those explosions an official of the Home Office or of the Criminal Investigation Department; and whether, in the discharge of his duties, he was in any way connected with the investigation into the explosions referred to?


The only papers in the Home Office connected with these explosions relate to the visits of the Chief Inspector of Explosives to Dublin, and his examination of the sites and the debris. Sir Robert Anderson was then Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard, and there is nothing either in the Home Office or in Scotland Yard to show that he was in any way concerned in the investigations.