HC Deb 07 April 1910 vol 16 cc761-2W

asked what is the scale on which fees to the Law Officers and to counsel are fixed; and how much did such fees amount to in the last financial year?


The Law Officers receive fees for contentious business on the following scale, which was fixed in 1886, with the consent of the Treasury:—

£ s. d.
Brief for trial at Assizes, when only one brief and case 105 0 0
Refresher fees (to include consultation) 21 0 0
Fee on second brief and case at same Assizes 52 10 0
Refresher (to include consultation) 21 0 0
Brief on trial in Dublin 26 5 0
Refresher (to include consultation) 21 0 0

The scale of fees to counsel is as follows:—

£3 3s. for brief Senior Counsel.
£1 1s. for direction of proof
£2 2s for brief Junior Counsel.
£l 1s. for preparation of indictment
£2 2s. Refresher fees to each Counsel.

In simple cases, one Counsel only to be employed.


For brief, proof, and indictment, £3 3s.

In cases of magnitude and difficulty the Attorney-General may approve of such larger fees as he shall consider reasonable.

In 1908–9, the last financial year for which the figures are available, the expenditure was as follows:—

Fees to Law Officers £1,423 16 0
Fees to Counsel 7,054 19 0