HC Deb 04 April 1910 vol 16 cc186-8W

asked the Chief Secretary (1) how many evicted tenants in each Poor Law union of county Monaghan were given grants for building, stock, etc., on their reinstatement, and what was the total sum so given in each Poor Law union; (2) the number of evicted tenants in the several Poor Law unions in county Monaghan who have been restored to their holdings or provided with other holdings since the passing of the Act of 1903; how many were so reinstated or provided for by the Estates Commissioners directly, and how many were dealt with by agreements between the evicted tenant and the landlord, on the sale of the estate; (3) how many evicted tenants in each of the Poor Law unions of county Monaghan were listed as suitable persons to be reinstated in- their holdings or provided for; and how many of them so listed have been reinstated or provided for otherwise?


The records of the Estates Commissioners are not kept by Poor Law unions. One hundred and twenty-seven tenants evicted from holdings in the county of Monaghan have been reinstated in their former holdings or provided with other holdings by landlords with the assistance, where necessary, of grants by the Commissioners, and fourteen have been reinstated or provided with new holdings by the Commissioners on estates purchased by them. One hundred and forty-one evicted tenants have thus been provided for, and the names of twenty others have been noted for consideration. In the case of eighty-four of the 127 evicted tenants reinstated by landlords the restoration was the direct result of the intervention of the Commissioners, but, as the estates on which the holdings were situate were being sold direct to the tenants, the owners entered into agreements with the evicted tenants at prices estimated by the Commissioners. Detailed particulars with regard to tenants who have been reinstated and the grants which have been made to them are published in the quarterly Returns presented to Parliament in pursuance of Section 3 of the Evicted Tenants Act.


asked the Chief Secretary whether an application for grant to provide stock, etc., has been received by the Estates Commissioners from Mrs. Catherine Treanor, Knockabeany, county Monaghan, an evicted tenant of the Leslie estate, who was reinstated in her holding on the sale of the estate; and, if so, will he now state what action the Estate Commissioners propose to take in this case?


The application referred to has been received and will be considered by the Estates Commissioners when the estate is being dealt with in order of priority.