Westminster Hall Sitting of 23 January 2003 Series 6 Vol. 398

  1. Preamble 6 words
  2. cc143-4WH
  3. Youth Policy 443 words
  4. cc144-62WH
  5. Oral Answers to Questions 4 words
    1. cc144-7WH
    2. Re-offending 1,687 words
    3. cc147-9WH
    4. Drug Education 731 words
    5. cc149-51WH
    6. Youth Services 1,221 words
    7. cc151-4WH
    8. Citizenship 1,549 words
    9. cc154-5WH
    10. Sport Action Zone (Stoke-on-Trent) 495 words
    11. cc155-8WH
    12. Young Prisoners 1,156 words
    13. cc158-9WH
    14. New Deal 402 words
    15. cc159-61WH
    16. Victims of Crime 1,240 words
    17. cc161-2WH
    18. School Governing Bodies 568 words
  6. Pathways to Work 15,615 words
  7. Question Not Answered Orally
    1. c192WH
    2. Obesity 161 words