Ms Dorothea Thornton

October 16, 1952 -
Summary information for Ms Dorothea Thornton



Food and Nutrition Lords January 30, 2002

Climate Change: Kyoto Protocol Lords February 6, 2002

Great Heck Road/Rail Accident: Reports Written Answers February 25, 2002

Foreign and Commonwealth Office DEL Written Answers February 26, 2002

Campaign against International Terrorism: MoD Funding Written Answers February 27, 2002

Senior Salaries Review Body Report Written Answers February 28, 2002

Children and Young People Lords April 24, 2002

Race Monitor Written Answers April 29, 2002

Rural Policy Lords April 30, 2002

London Underground Written Answers May 8, 2002

2 speeches — TSE (England) Regulations 2002 Lords May 15, 2002

Treasury Solicitor's Department Written Answers May 22, 2002

Industrial and Provident Societies Bill Lords May 29, 2002

Adoption and Children Bill Lords June 10, 2002

2 speeches — Employee Share Schemes Bill Lords July 11, 2002

UK-China Human Rights Dialogue Written Answers July 11, 2002

4 speeches — The Committee met at half-past three of the clock. Grand Committee Report July 15, 2002

Employee Share Schemes Bill Lords July 29, 2002


Adoption and Children Bill Lords October 23, 2002

Licensing Bill [H.L.] Lords November 26, 2002

Waste and Emissions Trading Bill [H.L.] Lords December 3, 2002

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.