Mr Robert Grimston

1897 - December 8, 1979
Summary information for Mr Robert Grimston



3 speeches — POST OFFICE AND TELEGRAPH (MONEY) BILL Commons January 30, 1948

New Zealand Gifts Written Answers February 4, 1948

Inland Parcel Rates Written Answers February 4, 1948

3 speeches — Supplementary Petrol Allowances Commons February 5, 1948

Hire Cars and Taxis (Radius Restriction) Commons February 5, 1948

3 speeches — Petrol Supplies, British Empire (Allocations) Commons February 5, 1948

3 speeches — POLICE PENSIONS BILL Commons February 6, 1948


2 speeches — Penleigh Camp, Westbury Commons February 16, 1948

2 speeches — NATIONAL INSURANCE (MINISTRY'S STAFF) Commons February 17, 1948

19 speeches — CLAUSE 1—(Police pension regulations.) Commons February 20, 1948

CLAUSE 2.—(Application of regulations.) Commons February 20, 1948

Cement Works, Westbury Commons February 24, 1948

NEW CLAUSE.—(Protection of serving members.) Commons February 27, 1948

CLAUSE I.—(Police pension regulations.) Commons February 27, 1948

CLAUSE 3.—(Forfeiture of pensions.) Commons February 27, 1948

5 speeches — FIRST SCHEDULE.—(Repeals to come into Effect with Savings on making of Regulations and Provisions Conse- quential on those Repeals.) Commons February 27, 1948

2 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Residence.) Commons March 17, 1948

Basic Petrol Ration (Statement) Commons March 18, 1948

2 speeches — POLICE FORCES (CONDITIONS) Commons March 22, 1948

3 speeches — CLAUSE 5.—(Register of electors.) Commons March 24, 1948

3 speeches — CLAUSE 7.—(Polling districts and polling places.) Commons March 24, 1948

5 speeches — CLAUSE 8.—(Place and manner of voting as elector.) Commons March 24, 1948

CLAUSE 9.—(Determination of right to be treated as absent voter.) Commons March 24, 1948

CLAUSE 10.—(Proxies.) Commons March 24, 1948

Imber Village Commons April 6, 1948

Camp, Palestine (Attack) Commons April 13, 1948

Huts, Westbury Commons April 13, 1948

Private Enterprise Building Commons April 15, 1948

CLAUSE 33.—(Taking of finger-prints by order of justices.) Commons April 15, 1948

2 speeches — CLAUSE 34.—(Evidence by certificate.) Commons April 15, 1948

4 speeches — CLAUSE 50.—(Transfers from prison to Borstal institution and vice versa.) Commons April 15, 1948

3 speeches — CLAUSE 15.—(Return or forfeiture of candidate's deposit.) Commons April 20, 1948

3 speeches — CLAUSE 24.—(Place and manner of voting as elector.) Commons April 20, 1948

2 speeches — CLAUSE 26.—(Service voters' proxies.) Commons April 20, 1948

4 speeches — CLAUSE 31.—(Limit of, and return and declarations as to, expenses.) Commons April 20, 1948

5 speeches — CLAUSE 40.—(Prohibition of expenses not authorised by election agent.) Commons April 20, 1948


2 speeches — CLAUSE 48.—(Powers of courts with respect to granting of relief restraining false statements and inspection of ballot papers.) Commons April 21, 1948

4 speeches — CLAUSE 53.—(Ordinary day of election.) Commons April 21, 1948

2 speeches — CLAUSE 71.—(Interpretation and application of local government provisions in England and Wales.) Commons April 21, 1948

3 speeches — CLAUSE 74.—(Commencement, repeals. etc.) Commons April 21, 1948

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Transport facilities at elections.) Commons April 21, 1948

FIRST SCHEDULE.—(Parliamentary Constituencies.) Commons April 26, 1948

18 speeches — THIRD SCHEDULE.—(Proceedings at Parliamentary Elections.) Commons April 27, 1948

2 speeches — FOURTH SCHEDULE.—(Amendments of local elections rules.) Commons April 27, 1948

3 speeches — IMBER VILLAGE AND TRAINING AREA (USE) Commons May 5, 1948

NEW CLAUSE.—(Superannuation rights of contributory employees in England and Wales.) Commons June 14, 1948

CLAUSE 3.—(Adaptation of 7 & 8 Geo. 6 c. 41.) Commons June 15, 1948

CLAUSE 7.—(Polling districts and polling Places.) Commons June 15, 1948

3 speeches — SECOND SCHEDULE.—(Provisions of the House of Commons (Redistribution of Seats) Act, 1944, as amended.) Commons June 15, 1948

2 speeches — POLICE PENSIONS REGULATIONS Commons June 23, 1948

Overseas Postal Services (Changes) Written Answers June 23, 1948

Sandhurst (Entry) Commons July 6, 1948

3 speeches — ARMY EXPENDITURE 1946–47 Commons July 7, 1948

Foreign Tourists (Petrol) Commons July 15, 1948

2 speeches — FIRE SERVICE (OFFICERS) Commons November 4, 1948

7 speeches — WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY BILL Commons November 10, 1948

5 speeches — CLAUSE 2.—(Fees and charges for wireless telegraphy licences.) Commons November 18, 1948

Clause 5.—(Prohibition of certain misleading messages, interception of private messages, etc.) Commons November 18, 1948

2 speeches — CLAUSE 7 —(Powers of Postmaster- General as to wireless personnel.) Commons November 18, 1948

7 speeches — CLAUSE 9.—(Advisory committee and appeal tribunal.) Commons November 18, 1948

8 speeches — CLAUSE 10.—(Regulations as to radiation of electro-magnetic energy, etc.) Commons November 18, 1948

9 speeches — CLAUSE 11.—(Enforcement of regulations under last preceding section.) Commons November 18, 1948

4 speeches — CLAUSE 13.—(Penalties and legal proceedings.) Commons November 18, 1948

ARMED FORCES (PAY AND ALLOWANCES) Commons November 24, 1948

6 speeches — CLAUSE 14.—(Entry and search of premises, etc.) Commons November 30, 1948

2 speeches — CLAUSE 18.—(Interpretation.) Commons November 30, 1948

NEW CLAUSE.—(Cost of Apparatus.) Commons November 30, 1948

2 speeches — SCHEDULE.—(Provisions as to the Appeal Tribunal.) Commons November 30, 1948

3 speeches — POLICE PENSIONS REGULATIONS Commons December 15, 1948

2 speeches — FIRE SERVICES (OFFICER RANK) Commons December 16, 1948

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.