Mr Leopold Verney

September 14, 1938 -
Summary information for Mr Leopold Verney



Animal Health Bill Lords January 14, 2001

Fishing: EUC Report Lords February 5, 2001

Slaughterhouses Lords February 8, 2001

Working Time Directive and Drivers' Hours Lords February 13, 2001

2 speeches — Hunting Bill Lords March 12, 2001

Animal Rights Extremists Lords March 14, 2001

2 speeches — Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations 2001 Lords March 20, 2001

2 speeches — Hunting Bill Lords March 26, 2001

Rural Businesses: Rate Relief Written Answers March 27, 2001

Breeding Stock Exports Written Answers April 24, 2001

Service Sector Companies: ONS Returns Written Answers May 4, 2001

Foot and Mouth Disease Written Answers May 8, 2001

Mr Bernard Connolly Written Answers May 8, 2001

Waste Management: Incineration Lords July 9, 2001

Foot and Mouth: Contiguous Cull Regime Written Answers July 23, 2001

4 speeches — Foot and Mouth Written Answers July 24, 2001

Tractor Seats: EU Directive Written Answers October 8, 2001

Countryside and Tourism Lords October 17, 2001

2 speeches — European Communities (Amendment) Bill Lords November 1, 2001

2 speeches — Livestock Welfare (Disposal) Scheme Lords November 7, 2001

Small Businesses: Rate Relief Written Answers November 7, 2001

5 speeches — European Communities (Amendment) Bill Lords November 15, 2001

Fishing Vessels (Decommissioning) Scheme 2001 Lords November 15, 2001

2 speeches — European Communities (Amendment) Bill Lords November 15, 2001

4 speeches — European Communities (Amendment) Bill Lords November 20, 2001

2 speeches — European Communities (Amendment) Bill Lords November 20, 2001

2 speeches — European Communities (Amendment) Bill Lords November 26, 2001

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.