Deb 20 July 1939 vol 114 cc322-3

Report from the Special Orders Committee, That they have examined the Special Order as required by the Standing Orders of the House; that in their opinion the Order raises important questions of policy and principle; that the Order is founded on precedent, inasmuch as it provides for the further variation of an Order which has received already the approval of the House; that in the opinion of the Committee the Order cannot be passed by the House without special attention, but that no further inquiry is necessary before the House proceeds to a decision on the Resolution to approve the said Order:

Read, and ordered to lie on the Table.



Report from the Special Orders Committee, That no petition has been presented praying to be heard against the Special Orders; that they have considered a Memorandum by the Minister of Transport stating that the promoters of the Orders have given an undertaking that they will not make any issue of share capital under the powers conferred by the Orders, except by agreement between the promoters and the Electricity Commissioners as to the terms of the issue; that there is nothing further in these Orders to which they think it necessary to call the attention of the House:

Read, and ordered to lie on the Table.