Deb 10 December 1935 vol 99 cc167-8

Witnesses ordered to attend the trial and to produce documents.

Ordered, That notice be forthwith given to Edward Southwell, Lord de Clifford, to appear at the Bar of this House on Thursday, the 12th day of this instant December, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon, in order to answer to the Indictment which has been found against him.

Ordered, That notice be forthwith given to the bail of the said Edward Southwell, Lord de Clifford, to acquaint him of the said Requisition.

Ordered, That upon the appearance of Edward Southwell, Lord de Clifford, at the Bar of this House on Thursday, the 12th day of this instant December, the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod attending this House do forthwith take into custody the body of the said Edward Southwell, Lord de Clifford.

Ordered, That in case the said trial shall last more than one day, the Lord de Clifford shall remain in the custody of the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod.

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