Deb 20 March 1928 vol 70 c533

Petition of William Selby-Lowndes, of Whaddon Hall, in the County of Buckingham, Esquire, O.B.E., claiming to be one of the co-heirs of the ancient Baronies of Montacute and Monthermer, praying His Majesty to determine in his favour the abeyance now existing in the said Baronies, and in case it should be found that the said Baronies are affected by the attainder of Margaret Countess of Salisbury or any other of the attainders referred to in the said Petition, to be graciously pleased to give directions for the introduction of a Bill into Parliament to relieve the Petitioner from the effect or effects of the said attainder or attainders as aforesaid, in so far as it relates or they relate to the said honours and dignities of Montacute and Monthermer respectively, together with His Majesty's reference thereof to this House, and the report of the Attorney-General thereunto annexed: Presented (by command); read, and referred to the Committee for Privileges to consider and report.

The Lord Rotherham—Sat first in Parliament after the death of his father.

The LORD SPEAKER acquainted the House, that the Clerk of the Parliaments had laid upon the Table the Certificates from the Examiners that the further Standing Orders applicable to the following Bills have been complied with:

Barnet District Gas and Water.

Sunderland Corporation.

The same were ordered to lie on the Table.